Telendos is an island in Greece which stands just west from Myrties village on Kalymnos. Telendos is an island refuge for wild life. According to local legend, Telendos is a petrified princess, gazing out to sea in the wake of her ill-starred affair with the prince of Kastelli in Armeos. The woman’s head profile is most evident at dusk. The hardly less pedestrian geological explanation has the islet sundered from Kalymnos by a cataclysmic earthquake in 554 AD. Before this earthquake was the capital of Kalymnos. Traces of a submerged town are said to lie at the bottom of the straits.
Home to about fifteen permanent inhabitants, Telendos is car-free and blissfully tranquil, even more so since certain package operators gave up allotments here. For cultural edification you’ll find the ruined thirteenth-century monastery of Saint Vassilios and an enormous basilica of Saint Triada up on the ridge, part way along the flagstoned, not far stands the Hoklakas pebble beach, which is small but very scenic. Telendos is also a climbing destination for many as it has this rocky mountain with about 450 metres high.
Telendos lies on the southeastern side of the Aegean Sea behind Kalymnos very close to Turkish coast. Its exact geographic coordinates are 37°00’30.4″N 26°54’38.7″E . Currently the island is uninhabited but it is worth a visit from the near Kalymnos.